Shipping And Return

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping rates will be quantified according to the nature of the products purchased and the destination area. The amount will always be communicated before the conclusion of the order. Please note that some International shipments are subject to customs charge, which will be at your expense. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to email us at

How long will it take to process my order?

The delivery time of an order depends on the type and availability of the items you have purchased. On the tab of each product you can find an estimated delivery time. We will do our best to ensure the best possible service and to activate a direct line between you and the courier who will deliver your order.TELAMI is committed to meeting the estimated delivery times indicated on the website. However, in case of any unforeseen events during production or processing of the order, you will always be notified promptly by the TELAMI team. For any questions or assistance, email us at

Who deals with shipping?

Your order will be processed by our logistics service and delivered with the best couriers available on the market. As soon as your order is assigned to them we will send you an email with the tracking number through which you will check the shipping status of your order.

When can you ask for particular consignments?

If your order includes items that require special care during transportation, you could ask for a delivery with insurance or for a plan delivery. Once you check out and make the payment, write an email to and we will contact specialized couriers whose delivery times may vary from the indicated standard times. The option with insurance is a solution that increases the shipping cost, equal to the supplement required to secure the products. The plan delivery option is a solution that includes an increase in shipping cost. A specialized delivery service will call you to set up an appointment and deliver the order to your entrance plan. Remember that the service can only be done under ideal conditions of accessibility, so always check that the floor access meets these requirements (stairwells and entrance doors sufficiently wide).

What should I do upon delivery of my order?

We recommend that you always check your order upon delivery. Verify that the packaging is intact and that the content is not altered or damaged in any way. In the case of anomalies, write "Accepted subject to checking"* on the carrier's delivery note before signing and send an email to us at with the details of the delivery. Please note that you have 14 days to report any damages and make a complaint. After this deadline we will no longer be able to accept neither complaints nor reports of irregularities.

* Mark with this statement the delivery note is mandatory in order to allow TELAMI to proceed immediately to the reimbursement

Returns and Claims

How can I contact you for assistance on products?

If you have any doubts or need assistance with the products purchased, please contact our customer service at If you wish a phone contact, please specify it in your email by providing your contact number: we will call you as soon as possible.

How can I make a return or exchange and how long will it take?

If you are not satisfied with your order, you have 14 days (from the date of delivery of the order) to decide to voluntarily return one or more items. Only if a product is diffused, defective, or damaged during shipment, you can replace it with the same item, if available in stock, or ask for a refund. If you decide to voluntarily return one or more items, shipping costs will be at your expenses. Follow the instructions outlined below, both in the case of voluntary redundancy or damaged product return:

  • Contact our Customer Service by writing to within 14 business days of the order delivery date. In case of defective item you will be asked for documentation of defect and/or damage.
  • The items you intend to return must be in original condition, properly packaged and packed in the original box.
  • Remember to include a copy of the shipping document in the parcel, which will be sent to you via email from our Customer Service and you will need to highlight the returned products and the reason for the return.
  • For shipping, use the same cardboard box in which you received your order. If this is not possible, use a safe socket.
  • Send the parcel to our RETURNED GOODS OFFICE at the following address:


c/o TELAMI srl

10 Canal Street

20133 Milan


How does the reimbursement take place?

Only if it is proven that the product is defective, untrue or damaged by the shipment, TELAMI Customer Service will tell you how the reimbursement takes place, once the parcel's arrival has been confirmed to our office.