Cookie Policy

In this document, the data controller, TELAMI SRL, located in Milan (20133 - Italy), Via Canaletto 10, registration number in the Milan Business Register and VAT number 10072090961 (hereafter referred to as "TELAMI" or "Data Controller"), phone number +39.02.56569860 and fax number +39.02.56569860,, provides users of the website (hereinafter the "Site") with information on the cookies used.


**What are cookies?**


Cookies are small text strings that a website visited by a user sends to their terminal (normally to the web browser), where they are stored to be transmitted back to the same website on subsequent visits. During navigation, the user may also receive cookies sent from different websites or web servers ("third parties"), which may host various elements (such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages from other domains) on the website the user is browsing.


Cookies in users' browsers are generally numerous, may persist for a certain period of time, and are used for various purposes: login, session tracking, storage of information on specific configurations related to users accessing the server.


Cookies differ from each other based on their purposes. On this basis, cookies can be divided into two main categories: technical cookies and profiling cookies.


**Technical Cookies**


Technical cookies are used solely to transmit a communication over an electronic communication network, or as strictly necessary to provide a service requested by a user. They are normally installed by the publisher or website operator.


**Profiling Cookies**


Profiling cookies are designed to create profiles related to the user and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during online navigation.


**Third-Party Cookies**


Cookies may be installed on the user's terminal not only by the operator of the website the user is browsing but also by other website operators who install cookies through the first website (referred to as "third-party cookies").


**Types of Cookies Used by the Site**


**Technical Cookies**


The Site uses technical cookies that allow recognizing returning users and their data, so they don't have to re-enter the same information every time.


The installation and use of these cookies do not require the user's prior consent.


The following technical cookies are used on the website.


- **Browsing or session cookies:** These enable navigation and regular use of the website. For example, they allow users to make a purchase or access restricted areas. These cookies are necessary for optimal use of the website.


Technical cookies, although they do not require the user's prior consent to be installed and used, can be managed by the user through browser settings (see the section "How to Manage Cookie Settings"). However, deleting them could affect the proper functioning of the site.


- **Analytical cookies:** These acquire statistical information on the number of users navigating the site and their navigation patterns. This information is processed in aggregate and anonymous form.


**Cookies Used on the Site** | **Cookie Characteristics and Purposes** | **Cookie Persistence**

--- | --- | ---

cookie_consent | Cookie for acceptance of the cookie banner | This cookie has a long expiration date (2 years) to avoid repeatedly displaying the same notice.

artemest_session | Technical cookie for tracking a user's session | This cookie is deleted upon closing the browser

_signup_pvs | |

_signup_type | |

_ga | Google Analytics website performance monitoring | 2 years

_gid | Google Analytics website performance monitoring | 1 day

_gat | Google Analytics website performance monitoring | Deleted upon closing the browser

zaius_js_version | |

z_idsyncs | |

z_customer_id | Email Marketing Platform | 2 years


The site uses third-party analytical cookies, the description of which is contained in the table in the section titled "Third-Party Cookies."


**Advertising Cookies Used on Our Commercial Partners' Websites**


The Site advertises on several third-party websites. The website uses cookies to control the frequency with which a particular advertisement is shown to the user on these websites, so they don't see the same advertisement too frequently. The Site does not collect any personal data within these cookies. To refuse our use of these cookies, please refer to the browser settings as indicated in the "Managing Cookie Settings" section below.


**Third-Party Cookies**


The website has installed a series of third-party cookies.


The website does not have direct control over third-party cookies (it cannot install or delete them directly). However, users can manage these cookies and deny consent to their use through their browser settings, as described in the "How to Manage Cookie Settings" section below, or by accessing the links provided in the table below.


The table below contains information about the third parties that install the cookies, the third-party cookies installed by the Site, their characteristics and purposes, links to their privacy policies, and links to methods for deactivating third-party cookies or consent forms that can be used to deactivate them.


**Third Party** | **Type of Cookie** | **Additional Information and How to Deactivate**

--- | --- | ---

Facebook (Facebook Custom Audience) | Interest-based Advertising | This cookie allows us to more effectively target the advertising we do on Facebook by comparing the data we have with data held by Facebook. [Facebook Privacy Policy](

Google (AdWords Remarketing) | Interest-based Advertising | This cookie facilitates post-visit messaging to target returning visits. [Google Ad Settings](

Google (Google Analytics) | Analytics | This cookie provides anonymous data to help us understand user behavior and marketing performance across our group. [Google Analytics Opt-out](

Google / Double-Click (Channel Intelligence) | Interest-based Advertising | This cookie facilitates tracking performance related to Google Shopping. [Google Ad Settings](

Google / Double-Click (Double-Click DPA) | Interest-based Advertising | This is a management solution used to track the effectiveness of different advertising campaigns delivered to different audience segments. [Google Ad Settings](

Google / Double-Click (Double-Click Floodlight) | Interest-based Advertising | This cookie allows us to more effectively target the advertising we do on third-party websites. [Google Ad Settings](

Bing | Interest-based Advertising | This cookie allows us to more effectively target the advertising we do on Bing. [Bing Ads Personalized Ads](

LinkedIn | Analytics | This cookie provides anonymous data to help us understand the demographic aspects of aggregated customer segments. [LinkedIn Settings](


**Managing Cookie Settings**


Users can remove some or all cookies used by the website with their browser settings, as listed below. Note that disabling technical cookies may cause the site to malfunction and/or limit the services available.


Here is the procedure to follow to manage cookies in the following browsers:


- [IE](

- [Safari](

- [Chrome](

- [Firefox](


Third-party cookies can also be deactivated through the browser settings specified above or as described by third parties listed in the "Third-Party Cookies" section. Users can also select their preferences on the site []( by activating or deactivating each category of cookies. For more information on cookies and to manage your preferences on third-party profiling cookies, visit [](


You can receive assistance and clarifications on how to provide consent or selective denial, or how to delete cookies from your browser, by sending an email to []( We will respond promptly.


If you want to learn more about how cookies work and how to manage or delete them, visit the [World Wide Web Consortium]( website or, for third-party cookies, visit [](